School Business Affairs Magazine - 2019
Critical Skills for Today’s CTO The chief technology officer has become a strategic position within district operations. By Frankie J. Jackson, RTSBA, CETL "With higher expectations increasing with each passing year, the CTO has become a critical strategic position within school district operations...". READ MORE (starting on page 8) >>> |
SunGard K-12: District Success Specialists -
Advice for Educators Seeking A Smooth Transition to the Cloud
Featuring Frankie J. Jackson "For educators looking to take the focus of edtech away from upkeep and back to learning, moving to the cloud could be the answer." READ MORE>>> What is CoSN's New Network Design for Schools?
Featuring Frankie J. Jackson "How schools can take steps to ensure their critical infrastructure is secure and resilient - thoughts about the importance of the design's key elements." READ MORE>>> |
What Are Your EDTECH Resolutions?
Featuring Frankie J. Jackson "We asked 22 teachers and administrators to share their new year's goals..." READ MORE>>> IT Leadership - 2015 Featuring Frankie J. Jackson " Private clouds help schools weather data concerns..." READ MORE>>> 5 Key Network Steps for Supporting Educational Technology in 2019 Featuring Frankie J. Jackson " Today's IT directors need to be smarter than ever about emerging technology..." READ MORE>>>
Pro File - From NASA to the Classroom - 2017
"How one tech leader is using skills honed at NASA to change the face of K-12 education in one of the nation's largest school districts..." Featuring Frankie J. Jackson "We wanted to give the students 24/7 access to their services but we needed it to be secure..." READ MORE>>> |
The Journal - Upgrades to Bring Your Own Devices 2015
Cypress Fairbanks ISD Upgrades Wireless for BYOD Featuring Frankie J. Jackson "To do this successfully, we need a reliable, high speed infrastructure that can scale, can deliver uninterrupted coverage across our schools and in the classrooms and can authenticate and provide secure access for all of these devices," READ MORE>>> |
Tech & Learning - New Gigabit wireless Infrastructure - 2015
Cypress Fairbanks ISD Adopts Aruba Networks Gigabit Wireless Network Featuring Frankie J. Jackson "Our vision in this district is that in our classrooms, every teacher and every student can be connected at very fast speeds 100 percent of the time" READ MORE>>> |
Texas CTO Council Announces 2018-19 Award Winners
Featuring Frankie J. Jackson, recipient of the Grace Hopper Award READ MORE>>> |
The CTO: Your Strategic Partner
By Frankie J. Jackson and Alice Owen "As technology demands in school districts have increased with each passing year, the role of the CTO has transitioned into a critical, strategic position..." Read More>>> |
Toggle - Wired to Transform Education - 2018
Education | Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District Featuring Frankie J. Jackson "Five years after Frankie J. Jackson set out to make Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District an IT exemplar in the Lone Star State, it might not quite be appropriate to say mission accomplished. That’s never the case when the ever-evolving matter of education is concerned" READ MORE>>> |