Who will cross our path today? We never know because our day is full of surprises. It may be a new friend, an inspiring person, someone that we can help… we never know what experience someone will present to us in the next moment.
It may be a person that changes our whole perspective or direction. That’s what makes our day interesting. People cross our paths because they are guides that help us along our way. Let us make a connection with every moment, with every person, by being fully present today. What is one of the meekest words we can use in our vocabulary? TRY!
Try means to make an effort or attempt. If we are going to do something, why not be decisive. We either will or we won’t. We either can or we can’t. Try is a half attempt. It’s an advance excuse. It tells our mind, if we don’t succeed, it’s okay to shrug it off and give up. Let us delete the word try and all the hidden messages behind it and replace it with “I can” and “I will” today. This one-character trait is what makes us or breaks us: DISCIPLINE.
It’s our link from point A to point B. It is the conduit between our goal and achievement. Without it, everything else erodes. “I should have exercised today.” “I should have studied for my certification today.” “I should have called a friend in need today.” “I should have completed the work I had scheduled to do today.” All it takes is a disciplined activity. When done over and over, the activity becomes a habit and then a lifestyle. Let us turn our should into did today. If we have a dream, we’re halfway there. Can we imagine a life without a dream? What would ever come true if that were the case?
Our dreams matter and they never expire. Sometimes the timing isn’t right for them to come true. We can still keep the dream alive for the future. Our life is composed mostly from our dreams. We just need to be inspired to rekindle them. Let us be opened to renew our dream and connect that dream with action today. We build relationships by sharing stories. We grow when we learn someone else’s story. It’s one of the best and easiest ways to be part of someone else’s world, even if it’s just a few moments or as long as the story lasts. It’s an invitation into their experience.
Sometimes someone else's story is exactly what we need to hear at a given point and time. Why waste a chance to help someone else by not sharing our story? The trick is to do in a way that’s not boastful or egocentric. Let our authentic story be someone else’s guide today. Sometimes it’s only when we hit rock bottom that we are able to ground ourselves then start rebuilding on a solid foundation.
This is when we become solid as a rock. When we aren’t easily thrown off kilter when things don’t go our way. When we can regulate our emotions when things are out of our control. When others are shaken, we are able to remain calm. Where regardless of blame or recognition, we are motivated from within. Let us be anchored and stand firm and focused today. When we think about what we have planned for the day, we know it is going to be a great day when we are excited about what lies ahead. If we hold on to the idea that the best moments of our lives haven’t even happened yet, there’s an element of suspense which brings even more excitement to the day.
Just think how excited we wished we would be if we found out today was our last day. This is a day we’ve never experienced before so why not expect it to be amazing. Let us be insanely excited about the potential of today. Sometimes we follow our passion, and it leads to our purpose. Other times our purpose isn’t our passion but it’s the reason behind why we do what we do.
Usually, passion is intrinsic and has more to do with what motivates us and makes us feel alive. Whereas purpose is extrinsic. It’s more about contributions and the impact we have on others. When we find ways to use our passion to serve others, that can become our purpose. That is when everything falls into alignment. Let us live on purpose for others but not lose sight of the passion for ourselves today. It’s easy to think the grass is always greener on the other side. Most likely, it’s not. Maybe it’s astroturf. Maybe it’s an illusion in our mind. Maybe if we took the time to water our own grass, it would be just as green.
Chances are, after we get on the other side, the grass isn’t as green as we thought it would be. Maybe everything we want or hope for is right in front of us, we just don’t recognize it. Let us find the green on our side of the fence today. Every day we wake up and hope to accomplish great things. We expect to overcome big challenges or experience a breakthrough. The reality is that can’t happen every day.
What we can do is focus on incremental progress, gradual growth, small ticks towards greatness on a timeline. With each tick, we move the needle. We shift the direction towards our goal. We receive energy to do more and motivation to stay on track. Let us measure our success by making a meaningful difference in our path of progress and move our needle forward today. |
TransformationsTransformation Archives
September 2023