When we feel fatigued, we usually chalk it up to hard work, stress, doing too much, being overcommitted…. Often, it’s because we do less of what sparks a burst of energy within us. A spark of excitement, adventure, relaxation, love, and light is probably all we need.
The more time we spend with people and go to places that ignite a spark in our soul, the more revitalized we feel almost instantly. That’s where we go to find our happy people and places. Let us find our spark and be the light that ignites today. Think about what decay means. It is to rot, to decline in vigor, energy, strength, health. To deteriorate from a prosperous condition. To decrease gradually in activity, size, or quantity. Who wants to decay?
Who doesn’t want to rise, increase, prosper, grow? We all change. The question is, what are we changing? Are we growing or decaying? When we stop growing, we send ourselves a signal that our expansion is complete. Our mission is accomplished. Then our body starts to decay. Let us resist decay and persist in growth today. If our mind slips into that place of wishing it were the weekend, or dreaming of being on vacation, or yearning it was yesterday, STOP.
Every moment we spend not sapping out the energy this day brings is a moment we lose from enjoying today. Sure, it is fun to anticipate the weekend. It is exciting to plan for the next vacation. It is reflective to never forget yesterday. But we get the most out of our moments when we live for today. We never know what tomorrow holds or what can be taken away. Let us revel in all life has to offer us today. To progress is to move forward. It is a gradual betterment toward a higher, improved, or more advanced stage. All progress comes from not accepting the way things are but rather creating it as we would like it to be.
Living inside the cycle of progress seems to move too slow. But slow progress is far better than no progress. When there is no progress, it is usually when we won’t change our minds. If we can’t change our mind, then we can’t change and make progress. Let us spark progress and advance toward what will be today. With every new day comes an opportunity for new thoughts, new perspective, new strength. It’s not just another day, it’s new. It’s never existed before because it’s the first time for this day.
Today will take on a new dynamic and whatever it brings, we are privileged to make a choice to embrace it. We roll with it. We make it the best it can be. We fill it with all that is good, with great hope and expectation. Let us make a new beginning and start with a smile, high level of energy and a deep breath today. There’s a difference between an award and reward. An award is some type of a recognition or plaque that we showcase in our office. It’s extrinsic. Our success is short lived when measured by awards.
A reward is something we earn, enjoy or desire. It’s intrinsic. Why work so hard if we don’t reward ourselves? Reward follows effort. Only we know how much effort we put into anything. When we reward ourselves, we affirm, “I am worth it, I deserve it, I value my efforts.” Let us treat ourselves to something special today. How we choose to experience life is our lifestyle. It’s where we intentionally create the type of life we want to live that’s aligned with our purpose.
Our lifestyle is defined by how we spend our time, money, and energy. It’s demonstrated by where we work, where we live, what we believe, how we act, where we use our creativity, what we do with our free time…. It is the positive use of free time, doing what we want to do. Let us design the lifestyle we desire with purpose today. How we look + how we speak + how we behave + how alive we are = our personal brand.
It’s interesting to consider what others perceive as our personal brand. What is the first thing others think about us when we pop into their mind? We can think of our brand as what others say or think about us when we aren’t in the room. Our brand identity lets others know who we are, what we do, why we do what we do and how we do it. Let us broadcast our personal brand with intent to the world today. Notice when we intentionally attach to a word or thing or idea, it shows up everywhere. Say we are focused on butterflies. Wherever we look, we notice butterflies. Our eyes are directed towards them.
We can use that same technique in goal planning. Because we intentionally set a goal, we tell our thoughts it is something of value. Once we aim for it, we fixate on it. Then our brain helps us find associations with it by sending out signals, searching for a match and trying to make a connection. Let us embrace the mystery of our mind and use it today. To affirm is to state a fact with confidence. When we use affirmations in our self-talk, they are powerful seeds of intent to help direct our thoughts. They can mean the difference between success and failure, getting something done, or following through on commitments.
Easy statements like, “I’ve done this before, and I know I can do it better this time.” Or, “I have the fortitude to finish what I started.” Or “I am committed therefore I will do what I said I was going to do.” Let us be everything we intend to be with positive validations today. |
TransformationsTransformation Archives
September 2023